Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week 13-A Powerful Force – Master Key


I have always believed the best things in life are free.  I simply love nature and all the gifts it has to offer.  The sun showing its rays over the ridge of a mountain, fly fishing in a trout stream, sitting in my kayak watching the sun go down over a beautiful lake, or watching a storm blow in, sitting next to a campfire watching the embers glow, enjoying the incredible cobalt blue clear waters of the deep ocean, or hearing the song birds return to awaken springtime, sitting next to a waterfall, snorkeling in crystal clear water while swimming with tropical fish, or standing in an open meadow looking in amazement at the incredible number of stars that only a few people will ever see; the best things in life are free.  Nature simply quiets your mind and makes you feel more vibrant and alive!  There is simply no Christmas present we could possibly give our friends or family that could ever compare to these gifts that are free to anyone wishing to claim them.  It is my hope and wish to pass this appreciation of nature on to my family.

Our mind and how we use it to create our futures is also free.  This is a gift that can change our lives, and I am very grateful for the Master Keys program that Mark and Davene have shared with us.  Thank you!  I am eternally grateful!



Week 12 – Results! – Master Key


Twelve weeks of getting things organized and set up.  Twelve weeks of faithfully doing the exercises.  Twelve weeks of sacrificing and putting parts of my life on hold.  Twelve weeks of holding fast to the belief that this program has been what I have been seeking for a very long time.  Twelve weeks of seeing my attitude and happiness steadily increasing.  At this point the results are starting to show themselves.  Last week I had one day that was amazing.  Everything worked like clockwork and it seemed like everything I touched turned to gold.  Over the years I have studied the concept of the Law of Attraction and maybe once a year or two I would notice something that I felt came as a result of my attracting it.  In addition to the amazing day I had last week, this week I noticed on three separate occasions things happen to me that I don’t believe would have happened had it not been for the twelve weeks leading up to this point.  So far the things I experienced have been small things, except for one major thing that will change my future and the future of my family in a very profound way.  When you know something will happen, you just know it, you can absolutely feel the certainty of it inside of you.  Then when you sit back and watch it actually happen, it gives you a surge of adrenaline and takes you to a level of excitement that makes you feel that the world is at your command!  I am addicted to this process and love seeing the results.

Twelve weeks of preparation and now we are just starting to get into the meat of the program.  To what level will this course take us???  We control our futures!  I am excited!!!  Thank you Mark and Davene!

Merry Christmas!



Week 11 -Life by the Tail – Master Key


Over the years I always believed that if you worked hard and try to work as smartly as you can, you will eventually become a success.  I believe this method along with a little bit of luck works for many people – up to a point.  It all boils down to their definition of success.  They may be successful in their career, however, they are not around to watch their kids grow up, they miss family events, they have a dreadful commute, and chances are their success has caused a great amount of stress in their lives.  If their success is in either the corporate world or even in their own business, there is always the uncertainty of downsizings or a new competitor, etc… who can impact your business.

Then there are those people who always just seem to have life by the tail.  Everything seems to be easy for them.  Everything they touch turns to gold.  Sometimes they were born into a wealthy family who has a lot of influence in the community, yet other times they were people who started with absolutely nothing.  It was the second set of individuals that I truly admired and studied to find out their secret to success.  To think that someone can grow up with no parents, having no one encouraging them to do good in school, possibly being bullied in school because they did not have the nice cloths, and facing the many challenges of just growing up that many of us take for granted, yet they turned their situation into incredible success in all areas of their life.  Their success in ALL AREAS OF THEIR LIFE was something that fascinated me.  Why are so many I mentioned in the first paragraph only successful in business and not the other areas of their life?

My years of personal development and studying programs always seemed to be lacking something – up until now.  I have now found the answers I have been seeking in the Master Keys Mastermind course.  After 10 weeks in the program I am finding that old habits are Very Hard to break, however, by doing the daily exercises I keep chipping away at the old habits and am developing new habits.  These new habits are programming my subconscious mind to do amazing things.  I have noticed things happening in my life that I credit to my new way of thinking.   Although we all create our own futures, I am learning how to create the future of my own choice.  This is a concept very few people understand.  You can either let life push you around or you can create the life of your dreams.  I believe those I mentioned who were born with nothing only to become successful in all areas of their lives were fortunate enough to use their minds to create their futures.  I will never know how they figured it out or if it was somehow just their nature to think this way, however, I believe they are using the system and probably do not even realize it.  The course is a lot of work and effort, but it is definitely worth every second of it!



Week 10 -Hang 10 – Master Key


Surfers sometimes wait for a long time scanning the ocean, patiently waiting for the perfect wave.  When that wave arrives and they are hanging 10 they just know that they nailed it and that they are in the flow.  As you are learning to surf, catching that perfect wave and hanging 10 is a rare experience.  With practice it becomes more and more common until finally at last, a few privileged individuals live in the right place and gain the experience to catch that perfect wave and hang 10 many times on a daily basis.

This week I had one of those days when I was in tune with the Master Key.  Everything I did turned to gold.  I could do no wrong!   The amazing thing was it was all effortless!  Now I know what it feels like to hang 1o with the Master Key and I am addicted after having just one day of hanging 10!  I know that it will take much practice to think properly and then turn my thoughts over to the Universal Mind with an absolute certainty of trust, but I can assure you that it is definitely worth it.  It sounds easy to have a crystal clear vision and then have an absolute conviction that it will materialize, however, my old blueprint will not let this happen without an all out battle.  I guess that is why I had 6 days of waiting for that wave and only had one day that I was hanging 10 on that perfect wave…




Week 9 – Thanksgiving / Gratitude – Master Key


This week we were to begin being grateful for at least three things every day.  This was an appropriate week to begin this exercise since yesterday was Thanksgiving.  Giving thanks and being grateful is something I have been doing for a long time.  I find that when you give thanks with feeling it can change your attitude in an instant.  You cannot have a negative attitude if you are truly grateful for the all your blessings.  Think about your spouse and family, your health, your friends, the country you live in, your home, your education, the area you live in, your pets, the change of seasons, the Master Key System program, etc…  When you think of what you are grateful for you must also get the feelings inside of you of being truly Grateful.  This is the quickest way to improve your attitude that I have found.   Try it, it works!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Week 8 -Look Below the Surface Master Key



To visualize any object in your mind and tear it down to its basic components, and continue to go further and further back; you can trace any object back to the original thought.  It is an interesting concept, and like anything, the more you do it, the better you become.  This week we had to visualize a battleship and trace it backwards from steel plates, to the oar that made the steel, to the design engineer, to the appropriation of funds, etc…  With a battleship there are countless systems and components to break down; guidance systems, missles, the fuel in the holding tanks, electrical components, hydraulic systems, even the food for the personnel…  It is an interesting process and I found it fun to do.  Challenge yourself to break things down all the way to its origins and you will find that what you are breaking down always originated from someones thoughts. Remember my previous post “Thoughts become Things”.  Well they really do!

This process not only strengthens your ability to visualize, however,  it also teaches you not to take things at face value.  Everything is originally derived from thought.

Week 8 Section 29:  “It is the few who know that the things which they see are only effects, and understand the causes by which these effects were brought into existence”.  Charles Haanel

Week 8 Section 20:  “Real power comes from within.  All power that anybody can possibly use is within man, only waiting to be brought into visibility by his first recognizing it, and then affirming it as his, working it into his consciousness until he becomes one with it”.  Charles Haanel

All these exercises are building on the premise that “Thoughts Become Things”.   I am just thrilled to be one of the few who is learning to recognize and use our inherent abilities to create the futures of our design!

To Your Success!








Week 7 – Mind Control – Master Key


I believe that everyone has the idea that it is easy to control their thoughts, and until recently I was one of them.  A few weeks ago the Master Mind group I am part of started these lessons of eliminating certain thoughts for entire weeks at a time.  If you think you have Mastered your mind and control your own thoughts – try to not have an opinion of anything for 2 solid weeks.  I found that virtually every thought you have is an opinion of something.  For a long time now I have considered myself to be a positive minded person.  Several years ago I quit watching all the negativity on the news and even on the internet.  Not being bombarded with negativity by itself made me feel better and more positive.  This week I found out I still had a considerable way to go to be truly positive. As part of our Master Key course, this week we were to eliminate all negative thoughts for 7 days.  As soon as you have a negative thought exceeding 7 seconds you have to start your 7 days over from the beginning.  I quickly found out I could not even get out of bed in the morning before I had to start my seven days all over.  Today is the fifth day into this lesson and it is the first day I was able to move to day 2 with no negative thoughts.  This exercise really highlighted how we live in a world of negativity and trying to eliminate it is a difficult task.

To gain control of your subconscious mind you have to first quiet the conscious mind so that you can draw a clear mental picture of what your future looks like in detail.

In section 13 of lesson VII; “Clearness and accuracy are obtained only by repeatedly having the image in mind. Each repeated action renders the image more clear and accurate than the preceding, and in proportion to the clearness and accuracy of the image will the outward manifestation be. You must build it firmly and securely in your mental world, the world within, before it can take form in the world without”.  Charles Haanel

It is easy to let your mind wander while developing this clear mental picture in your mind, however, each day it seems to get a little easier.  It all comes down to developing your focus…

Enjoying the process…

Week 6 – The Power of the Universal Mind – Master Key


The Universal Mind is “A mechanism whereby you may create for yourself Health, Strength, Success, Prosperity, or any other condition which you desire.”  Charles Haanel

Obviously, this is not a topic taught in our education system, however, if you can think outside the box and gain an understanding of this universal law, you can create the future you want. Some people have trouble believing such a thing exists because you cannot see it.  I would simply ask them if they believe in gravity or electricity because you cannot see them either.  You just need to understand that even if you have never studied this concept you are still creating your future, however, with the understanding of how you can use the Universal Mind to your benefit you can create and direct your future into being anything you desire.

Our Master Key course is  training us how to tap into the force of the Universal Mind. We are learning how to focus and control our minds so that we can program our subconscious minds with conscious thoughts.  One of the exercises we are doing is to study the details of a picture and then close our eyes and recreate the picture in our minds.  This exercise as well as other exercises we have been doing over the past 6 weeks is building my belief that focusing the mind and repetition gives you control of your mind.  I have always been able to focus on things pretty well (just ask my wife how I block out the world sometimes), however, for me I believe these exercises have taken my level of focus to an entirely new level.

“The possibilities of attention when properly directed are so startling that they would hardly appear credible to the uninitiated.  The cultivation of attention is the distinguishing characteristic of every successful man or woman, and is the very highest personal accomplishment which can be acquired”.  Charles Haanel

This week, by increasing our focus we are preparing the soil.  Next week we will be ready to sow the seed.  I can hardly wait!

Livin the Dream!


Week 5 – All Life and all Power is from Within – Master Keys


I guess the old saying  “you don’t know what you don’t know” applies to everyone in one respect or another.  Most people would be quite surprised to learn that all of the decisions you make are made from your subconscious mind rather than your conscious mind.  That the most amazing thing is that the subconscious mind works automatically; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – for life… Your subconscious mind is connected to an invisible force (many call Omnipotence) that controls everything that has ever happened to everything that will ever happen.  (Just because you can’t see it does not mean it does not exist – I guess it is sort of like electricity – you can’t see it but I doubt you will grab a live wire) Your subconscious mind does not need to think about how to make your heart beat or how to move your arms and legs or how to make your hair grow.  It performs those tasks automatically.  Just like the force of the Omnipotence does not need to think how to make a rose bud open or how to transform a caterpillar into a butterfly; it just does it automatically.  As such, if you can learn to use your conscious mind to program your subconscious mind to make things happen that most people would think to be just luck or in some cases even a miracle, that would open your future to an unlimited world.  This is exactly what our Master Key course is training us to do.  For anyone beginning this course who was a non-believer and actually did the assignments we have been given, I think that in just these first 5 weeks they have either became a believer or at least is well on their way to believing in the power of the subconscious.  I can still feel my conscious mind fighting and not wanting to give up control, so I am working hard to overcome those thoughts while making good progress.  I do feel more calm and at peace with myself as well as more confident.  The self imposed glass ceilings I had in my mind are starting to shatter and that certainly gives you a boost in confidence.  Just always remember – “You don’t know what you don’t know”.

Livin the Dream!!


Week 4 – I Can Be What I Will To Be – Master Key


I find the science behind the idea of “Your Thoughts Become Things” fascinating.  In this week’s lesson, we learned that there are peptides that are created by our thoughts and emotions.  These peptides attach to our cells and can help us gain control of our subconscious minds.  If you repeat the emotions continuously, your body starts to crave that emotion.  Apparently, that is why happy people are always happy and people who complain are always complaining.  As a group, we are attaching positive thoughts and feelings to small accomplishments and shapes with colors.  Using exercises several times a day with these shapes, colors, and emotions will begin to impact our subconscious minds so that we are gaining control of our futures.

“He who has strengthened and purified his thought need not concern himself about microbes, and he who has come into an understanding of the law of abundance will go at once to the source of supply.  It is thus that fate, fortune, and destiny will be controlled as readily as a captain controls his ship, or an engineer, his train”.  – Charles Haanel – The Master Key System

In just the 3rd and 4th weeks of this 26 week program, I have had some astonishing results that seem to be completely effortless.  I am really looking forward to what I will learn in the future weeks!

Livin the Dream!
